Thursday 26 September 2013

tiqui tiqui ti

Since this is an anthropology language class, I will begin today’s post with an idea of Manilowski that relates to language. He argued that you cannot understand the meaning of what someone says or writes unless you know something about the context in which it is embedded.  I could not agree more, context is vital, and this is why I thought today we could refer to ours; The Chilean context.
Since as far as I know all of us in this class are Chilean, I thought it could be interesting to refer to our context and culture. Last week we celebrated the “national holiday” and it seemed like everyone felt more Chilean than ever before.

In your opinion, what makes Chileans, Chilean?
Which customs are the most deeply rooted?
Which elements of the Chilean culture do you identify with the most?
Which elements of our culture should be celebrated?

Include any other information you find relevant.

Write 220 words and  a minimum of 3 comments on your classmates' blogs.


  1. There is a big problem, because we don't know very well who we are, but we don't want to assume who we could be, so we live thinking who we want to be.

    1. I suppose you have a point but I don't see this as a problem. I guess the whole living experience as a learning process and hence the need for changes. just a thought.
