Thursday 12 December 2013

The Last post :)

Hi there Blogheads:) Today you have to write a 250 word post. Don't forget to comment on my blog and on the blogs of at least 3 classmates! Here’s mineSo, a couple of weeks ago I went to Blondie. Although I like to listen to some of the music they usually play there, it's not the music I like to dance to - I prefer to dance to House, Soul or Reggae or Drum & Bass even Salsa or Cumbia but not rock music. This time I went to Blondie because I went to see a group called CocoRosie. It was a great gig, quite strange and whacky but very enjoyable. CocoRosie is two sisters, a pianist/keyboard player and a human beatbox. The sound is quite original as the band mix different styles such as electronic, folk and hip-hop. There were elements of performance to the show. The band swapped instruments and clothes. They also painted each other’s faces while they were performing. Original the concert was going to be in Subterraneo in Providencia but I think they sold too many tickets and had to switch the concert to a bigger venue. Blondie was a good place to see this band. There can't have been more that 1,000 people and there were only about 600 when the show started. The sound was good. In fact, I enjoyed CocoRosie more live than the recorded tracks I've heard. The personalities and energy of the 2 singers is an important part of their charm and it's hard to feel this from their recordings.
It is important to mention I was introduced to this band thanks to a student whom I saw at the XX concert. Then, he mentioned these guys and I liked the sound.
 Here's a link to one of their songs.

Write about a memorable concert, gig or exhibition you've been to this year.
Where was it?
Who were you with?

What was special about it?
Include any other ideas worth mentioning

Thursday 5 December 2013

Final exam practice

Go to the following link

And do activities 1 to 8.
Then go to the listening item (right hand side) and do activities 1 to 4
Then practice with listening for schools parts 1 to 4

Last but not least, write a short text on your blog on how you did in the different parts of the test. Minimum 100 words.

Thursday 28 November 2013

Okay Blogheads,

This week you have a free post.

Write 250 words about something you care about, find interesting or like a lot. It could also be something you dislike a lot. From the most simple thing to the most complex. Remember to organize your text. To introduce it and make sure you wrap it up in the final paragraph.

Leave a comment on your teacher's blog and on the blogs of 3 classmates.

Dear students:
Could you please DO the evaluacion docente? This is not something I can see so you can be honest to yourselves and the world. It is important you do it because if you don't my bosses may think I don't want you to. Please do it. It only takes 15 mins.
programa inglés. At the bottom you'll find. Encuesta docente.
Thank you in advance.

Can you think of ads you find funny?

Put a comment.

Hi Guys,
Please remember we will have our final test. Oral + written on December 19th.
The oral part is held in pairs (2 people). You will need to speak for 5 minutes on a surprise topic.

Thursday 21 November 2013

A TV show I am going to talk about first is Candy.

I started watching it as a child from about 8 years old. I remember both my sisters loved it so I just sat with them and it was all good. It is about this blond girl with very big (not surprising now!) green eyes. I remember it was a very dramatic Japanese Anime. “Candy” was an orphan girl who was adopted and treated badly. Moreover she falls in love with this amazingly handsome character “Anthony” (I fell in love, too!) and he dies!! Yes, he dies!! I suffered so much.  Later she moves to London and meets “Terri” who is the opposite of Anthony (the latter is rebellious). The thing is this love is not meant to be and they keep splitting because he wants to become an actor.
I think it was on every evening for around half an hour.
I suppose I enjoyed it because it was full of adventures and things seemed pretty exciting, but mostly because I would sit there with my sisters and we would drink our milk and eat toast on those evenings while watching the show. I couldn’t wait for the next day to come. Just to watch it again! I know it is very "ñoño" to write about this but I couldn't think of anything apart from "erase una vez el hombre" which seemed a bit serious for children...
What about you?

Write about a TV programme you enjoyed watching when you were a child:
What it was called,
What it was about,
When it was on,
Why you enjoyed it.
Mention anything else you think is important. Write at least 220 words.
Leave a comment on your classmates' blogs.